August 28, 2019
Circular Mazes
golang maze image swag side project mazey mcmazeface

Word Count: 185


See my previous post.



I have completed Chapter 7 in the book Mazes for Programmers by Jamis Buck. With that and this image library my maze generator is creating smooth circular mazes.

Circle Maze


It still uses the growing tree algorithm to traverse the maze grid as described in the previous post.

Circle Maze Grid

Using the circle maze and the image library I selected, I created an overlay on top of a circle maze and created a “logo” of sorts.

Circle Logo


Using this logo, I found a couple places to make custom swag! Also, if you want a personalized logo, then send me an email and we can discuss.


Next steps

  1. Work on generating hexagonal mazes as shown in Chapter 7+.
    • Use generated maze to get a custom Pringle branded puzzle created.
  2. Implement Djikstra’s algorithm to select the start and ending positions within the maze.